Six things you can do to help end domestic violence in the Jewish community:
- Listen and believe a woman who tells you she is being abused. Learn how to talk to a woman who has been abused.
- Spread the word. Tell several of your friends about Shalom Bayit; distribute domestic violence information or brochures to places where women can access them.
- Organize an educational presentation in your congregation/ organization / community group.
- Ask your rabbi to give a sermon on domestic violence. Send a blank email to for some examples.
- Help your organization establish a policy for handling situations of abuse (for congregants, employees, members, clients). Check out our Kehilla protocols.
- Make a donation. Your donation goes directly to support battered women rebuilding their lives. Donate online or on send a check through the mail. Click here for instructions
For speakers, resources, or information about any of the above ideas, call Shalom Bayit’s community education office at (650) 574-7233 (SAFE)